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4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Horse Supplements- Hint: More Isn’t Always Better!

Last updated on October 8, 2024

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Horse Supplements- Hint: More Isn’t Always Better!

We get it. You’ve spent a boatload of money on horse supplements, hay, grain, farrier bills, vet visits, entry fees… Not to mention the actual horse that you either purchased or raised. So how do you get the MOST bang for your buck or… er… the most good out of all the pieces of your investment? Today, we’re going to give you four tips on how to get the most out of your horse supplements, how to make sure your horse is utilizing the supplements to their full potential, and to make sure that you are not paying for the same thing twice (or completely wasting your money). 


4 Ways to Get the Most Benefit Out of Horse Supplements

1. Start with a Great Feed Program

  • We know it goes without saying when talking to great horsemen, but there is no supplement program that can (or should) compensate for a poor feed program. Yes, we know that hay can be expensive depending on location, weather, and time of year, but horses are created to be grazing. Their stomach is secreting acid constantly, so when there’s not a steady stream of forage (aka hay or grass) to break down – it makes the horse infinitely more susceptible to ulcers. The digestive acids start to break down the lining of the stomach instead of the foodstuff it’s supposed to.
  • There’s a saying in human nutrition that goes, “You can’t out-supplement a bad diet.” We believe that carries over to horses as well. If your horse’s gut is healthy & happy, it will prevent ulcers and cut back the need for ulcer supplements/medications. And as a bonus, a healthy gut will get the maximum benefit out of any supplements you do decide to use.

2. Don’t Overdo It

  • We know it sounds weird, coming from a horse supplement company to say,  “Easy does it,” on supplements, but it’s true. When you are using too many supplements- especially the wrong ones- your horse’s body cannot make use of them all correctly. You end up essentially throwing away your hard-earned cash. 
  • In our experience at Animal Element- helping over 20,000  horses over the years- we have found that most horses just need to be on Foundation Daily Detox and NuTrack Digestive Support consistently to see major improvements. Time and time again we see positive changes in their body condition, digestive health, hoof health, top line, muscle condition, recovery time, joint health, focus, and even mental clarity on just FDD and NuTrack.
  • Feed supplements that your horse will love. Because of our all-natural, tasty ingredients even notoriously picky horses have been known to LICK their feed bowls clean when given Animal Element. There are no weird chemicals to make them turn their noses.

3. Use Horse Supplements That are Multipurpose

  • Yes, there is a time and a place for a specific purpose supplement. When you have a horse with chronic joint pain, you should absolutely utilize a supplement like Cissus Quadrangularis or additional MSM. However, the best horse supplement on the market Foundation Daily Detox, helps achieve SO many goals. 
  • Just look at SOME of the results from using FDD and NuTrack together. Foundation Daily Detox and NuTrack Digestive Aid help your horses with:
    • Shocking hoof growth, healthy skin, and a silky coat
    • Liver, kidney, and thyroid support
    • Top line fills in
    • Ulcer support, appetite stimulation, healthy weight gain/maintenance
    • Reduced worm presence
    • Quicker recovery time
    • Focus and mental clarity
    • Joint support and overall health
  • Plus, Detox and Nutrack is designed for and helps with ALL stages of a horse’s life, from infancy to yearling; during their career; and into old age. Detox and NuTrack actually do what our competitors claim to do at a much lower price than those competitors.

4. Focus on Absorbability

  • One of the saddest things about many horse supplements is that a horse’s body is unable to make full use of the supplements and/or its feed! One of our favorite features of NuTrack is that it has digestive enzymes and amino acids to help the equine digestive system be more efficient. In fact, many faithful users of our FDD and NuTrack combo report that after a couple of months on the supplements, they have to cut BACK their horse’s alfalfa because the horse is making better use of its feed and actually needs a little less. We have even heard this about some traditionally hard keepers. 
  • As Mark Kaylor, head of sales at AE says, “NuTrack is such an important pairing with our Detox! NuTrack is digestive enzymes and amino acids that aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients by as much as 30%, making their feed much more efficient in the digestive system. NuTrack works from the moment it hits the stomach and goes clear through to the hindgut. It’s a game changer when fed with our Foundation Daily Detox!”

Simpler is Better When it Comes to Horse Supplements

There’s no denying that owning horses is expensive! And although it’s clearly an expense that we horse people are willing to fit into our budgets, there are ways to make your “horse money” stretch a little farther. Using horse supplements that actually work, and that help with multiple issues is a HUGE budget hack. To save even more money, evaluate your feed program to reaffirm your horse is getting enough high-quality forage, and that you’re not feeding extra supplements. Start with Foundation Daily Detox and NuTrack Digestive Support and see how your horse is feeling and looking, before adding anything else. If you’re still unsure if that’ll be enough, go ahead and give Mark a call (509-301-1798)! He’d love to tell you all about how those two simple horse supplements can do a world of good for your horse.


All content is intended for informational purposes only. Proudly written for Animal Element by the team at


Do I have to use FDD and NuTrack together?

While each supplement does benefit your horse on its own, we highly encourage you to use them together! Customers have seen bigger improvements in gut health, hoof and coat health, muscle definition, and topline condition when using FDD and NuTrack together. You’ll get the biggest WOW factor with the two.

Are your horse supplements palatable to even picky horses?

We’ve heard NUMEROUS stories about even the pickiest of horses eating their Animal Element supplements without a fuss. We use fragrant, high-quality herbs and no chemicals or fillers, so there is nothing gross for horses to be hesitant about.

I’m on a tight budget right now…what’s the cost per day for FDD and NuTrack?

A daily dose of FDD and NuTrack together factors out to cost about $2 a day! For 2 supplements to improve your horse’s physical and mental health all around, that’s a STELLAR deal. Call Mark Kaylor to discuss price and sales!

Ok I’m in! How do I order?

You can order straight from the links in our blog, or head to the website There you will find product descriptions/prices, and a page to locate an authorized dealer who is local to your area.