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Tired of Struggling With These Common Horse Ailments? We’ve Got 2 Supplements to Help!

Last updated on October 8, 2024

Tired of Struggling With These Common Horse Ailments? We’ve Got 2 Supplements to Help!

Unique to the horse supplement market, Animal Element supplements are designed to be used to keep common horse ailments at bay, as opposed to just healing old injuries and illnesses. Your Grandma may have been more right than you were willing to admit when she said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” And while we need to be prepared for emergencies with our horses, there are a LOT of things that we, as horse owners can do to PREVENT illness and injury!

But, what about non “illness” related issues? What about just common horse ailments that every horse owner may face at some point? What can you do to prevent things like arthritis, poor hoof growth, slow recovery time, gut health issues, and heavy parasitic burden?

Well, we have a time-tested solution, and it is *spoiler alert* consistent use of Foundation Daily Detox and NuTrack Digestive Support. But we thought it would be fun to give you a glimpse at WHY FDD and Nutrack work so wonderfully to help prevent so many of these common issues. So, we are breaking down a little bit of science and research behind each common issue and how these two horse supplements can help prevent some health issues.


Common Horse Ailments That You Can Help Prevent with FDD & NuTrack

1. Arthritis

Arthritis seems like it is “just one of those things” that horse owners across the globe accept as a non-negotiable part of owning an older horse. However, we are just salty enough to think that it doesn’t have to be that way. While conformation, movement patterns, and occupation will obviously play a huge part in how susceptible an individual horse is to arthritis, we know that what goes in your horse’s mouth can play a huge role in either reducing the severity of arthritis or preventing it altogether. 

There are several different types of arthritis, but all of them start with inflammation in the joint and then continue to break down the cartilage between the joint bones. This causes a decreased range of motion, pain, stiffness, and more inflammation. 


Foundation Daily Detox and NuTrack Digestive Support are the top two supplements for horses with arthritis because they help keep the body healthy and help prevent inflammation. They work to flush out all harmful toxins and allow the gut to digest and absorb nutrients properly. 

FDD and NuTrack are full of vital nutrients, as well as naturally anti-inflammatory ingredients like spirulina, red raspberry leaf, and turmeric, which promote healing and reduce pain. 

FDD also contains methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) which promotes collagen production, and hyaluronic acid, which helps keep the joints lubricated…all vital in the fight against arthritis.

Check out our previous articles about arthritis, MSM, and red raspberry leaf

2. Poor Hoof Growth

Regardless of your personal horseshoeing preference: barefoot, glue-ons, pads, or just a plain old-fashioned steel shoe, a performance horse’s feet take a beating. Shoot, even just running and playing in a pasture can be hard on the hooves. While horse owners do their best to find a reputable farrier, maintain a consistent trimming schedule, and keep their horses on good footing, the “ounce of prevention” theory seems to go an extra long way with hoof health. Clients have reported that using FDD and NuTrack together has shown spectacular hoof growth and repair…even when that wasn’t what they were targeting! 

Some of the ingredients in FDD and NuTrack that are great for healthy hooves include:

  • Kelp- high in protein and iodine
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)- promotes keratin production
  • Zeolite- absorbs heavy metals and detoxes the intestinal tract

We wrote a whole blog about how these two supplements help hooves! Check it out here.

3. Gut Problems Are a Top Common Horse Ailment

 It might feel like beating a dead horse (no pun intended) to keep talking about the importance of gut health for horses, but IT IS SO IMPORTANT. If your horse’s gut is unhealthy or full of ulcers, they won’t feel their best and definitely won’t perform their best. FDD and NuTrack are crucial to preventing problems because together they KEEP a horse’s body functioning at optimum levels. FDD detoxes and flushes every system in the body, while NuTrack gets the digestive tract running how God intended. 

Read Is It Really Necessary To Detox My Horse? and Amino Acids for Horses- What They Are and Why They’re Important

*Secret time- other products on the market claiming the same things are 3x the price and not nearly as effective*


We CANNOT claim that FDD and NuTrack will prevent colic. There are simply too many other factors at play in equine colic, such as forage, stress, water consumption, type of hay, etc… However, FDD and NuTrack help to keep the toxic load reduced, help keep stress at a minimum (even when traveling), and produce noticeably more poop in horses that are on the supplements compared to horses that are not. All of those are great steps to keep colic at bay.

4. Slow Recovery Time

Your horse can look like they’re in great shape, but if they are slow to recover from strenuous activity or competition, they may not be as fit as you thought. Some of the ingredients in FDD are known to improve the cardiovascular system, which is responsible for the heart beating, yes, but also muscle recovery. Spirulina, MSM, and Hawthorn are all used to increase blood flow and reduce oxidative stress. NuTrack allows the intestines to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients in the horse’s feed, giving your horse the best foundation for health and performance. 

5. Heavy Parasitic Burden

FDD and NuTrack cannot, and should not, replace a regular de-worming schedule. BUT, they could potentially reduce the frequency of using deworming medications and help reduce a heavy parasitic burden. This is due to one simple ingredient: diatomaceous earth. Finely powdered fossilized shells and diatomaceous earth (DE) are powerful antiparasitic agents that basically suffocate the larvae. To read more about the benefits of DE, read this blog

Two Supplements for Multiple Common Horse Ailments For Life!

Even better news- FDD & NuTrack are designed for, and help with, all stages of a horse’s life, from newborn foal to yearling, during their career and into old age. Foundation Daily Detox & NuTrack actually does what our competitors claim to do (and AE only costs a fraction of some of the other supplements on the market). 


NuTrack is such an important pairing with our Detox! It contains digestive enzymes and amino acids that aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients by as much as 30%, making your horse’s feed much more efficient in the digestive system.  Nutrack works from the moment it hits the stomach and goes clear through the hindgut. Paired with Foundation Daily Detox, it’s a game changer.

When fed together, FDD and NuTrack work in the horse’s body to establish optimal health by supporting all organ functions, promoting coat and hoof growth, increasing gut health and function, and reducing inflammation. This lowers the risk of common horse ailments like arthritis, hoof problems, and poor gut health.

Get these 2 supplements in a bundle and added to your monthly routine! Your horse, bank account, and peace of mind will thank you!

To find out more information on these two top-selling supplements, or have your burning questions answered, please contact Mark Kaylor at 509-301-1798. 

All content is intended for informational purposes only. Proudly written for Animal Element by the team at